Understanding Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDF) and Their Empirical Estimation#

Introduction to CDFs#

Before diving into empirical distributions, it’s essential to understand what a cumulative distribution function represents and why it’s useful in statistical analysis. A CDF helps us understand the complete probability distribution of a random variable by showing the probability of the variable being less than or equal to any given value.

CDF Definition and Intuition#

The CDF \(F_X(x)\) of a random variable \(X\) gives the probability that \(X\) is less than or equal to \(x\):

\(F_X(x) = P(X \leq x)\)

To build intuition:

  • If we’re measuring heights in a population, \(F_X(170)\) would tell us the proportion of people who are 170 cm or shorter

  • For test scores, \(F_X(80)\) would represent the fraction of students scoring 80 or below

  • In reliability analysis, \(F_X(t)\) might represent the probability of a component failing by time \(t\)

CDF for Discrete Random Variables#

For a discrete random variable \(X\) with probability mass function (PMF) \(p_X(x)\), the CDF is the cumulative sum of the probabilities up to \(x\):

\(F_X(x) = \sum_{x_i \leq x} p_X(x_i)\)

Example: Rolling a Die#

Consider rolling a fair six-sided die:

  • \(P(X \leq 3) = P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) + P(X = 3) = \frac{1}{6} + \frac{1}{6} + \frac{1}{6} = \frac{1}{2}\)

  • The CDF would jump by \(\frac{1}{6}\) at each value from 1 to 6

CDF for Continuous Random Variables#

For a continuous random variable \(X\) with probability density function (PDF) \(f_X(x)\), the CDF is the integral of the PDF from \(-\infty\) to \(x\):

\(F_X(x) = \int_{-\infty}^{x} f_X(t) \, dt\)

Example: Normal Distribution#

For a standard normal distribution:

  • The CDF at \(x = 0\) is 0.5, meaning 50% of the data lies below zero

  • The CDF at \(x = 1\) is approximately 0.84, indicating about 84% of the data lies below 1

Properties of CDF#

The CDF has several important properties that make it useful for statistical analysis:

  1. Non-decreasing:

    • The CDF is always non-decreasing: \(F_X(x) \leq F_X(y)\) for \(x \leq y\)

    • This makes intuitive sense as accumulating probabilities can’t decrease

  2. Limits:

    • \(\lim_{x \to -\infty} F_X(x) = 0\): The probability of getting an infinitely small value is zero

    • \(\lim_{x \to \infty} F_X(x) = 1\): The probability of getting any value is 1 (certainty)

  3. Right-continuity:

    • \(\lim_{\epsilon \to 0^+} F_X(x + \epsilon) = F_X(x)\)

    • This ensures smooth behavior when approaching values from the right

    • Particularly important for discrete distributions where jumps occur

  4. Range:

    • \(0 \leq F_X(x) \leq 1\) for all \(x\)

    • This follows from the basic properties of probability

Empirical CDF (ECDF)#

The empirical CDF is a practical tool for estimating the true CDF when we only have sample data. Given a sample \(X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n\), the ECDF \(\hat{F}_n(x)\) is defined as:

\(\hat{F}_n(x) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \mathbb{I}(X_i \leq x)\)


  • \(\mathbb{I}(X_i \leq x)\) is the indicator function

  • \(n\) is the sample size

  • \(\hat{F}_n(x)\) represents the proportion of data points ≤ \(x\)

Example: Computing ECDF#

For the dataset {1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5}:

  • \(\hat{F}_n(2) = \frac{3}{7}\) (3 values ≤ 2)

  • \(\hat{F}_n(4) = \frac{6}{7}\) (6 values ≤ 4)

  • The function jumps by \(\frac{1}{7}\) at each unique value

Practical Applications of ECDF#

  1. Non-parametric Estimation

    • Provides distribution estimates without assuming a specific form

    • Useful when the underlying distribution is unknown

    • More robust than parametric methods

  2. Goodness-of-fit Testing

    • Kolmogorov-Smirnov test compares ECDF to theoretical CDF

    • Helps validate distribution assumptions

    • Example: Testing if data follows a normal distribution

  3. Quantile Estimation

    • Find sample percentiles directly from ECDF

    • Median: Value where ECDF = 0.5

    • Quartiles: Values where ECDF = 0.25, 0.75

  4. Anomaly Detection

    • Identify outliers using ECDF percentiles

    • Points in extreme tails (e.g., ECDF > 0.99) might be anomalies

    • More robust than parametric methods

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Generate data
mean = 0
std = 2
sample_size = 500
sample = np.random.normal(loc=mean, scale=std, size=sample_size)
# Define support range (empirical)
support = (min(sample) - 0.5, max(sample) + 0.5)

# Number of points to calculate the relative frequency for
num_points = 20
points = np.linspace(support[0], support[1], num_points)

# Calculate relative frequencies
cumulative_reqlative_frequencies = []
for point in points:
        (sample <= point).sum() / sample_size
# Plot the cumulative relative frequencies vs points
plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3), dpi=300)
plt.step(points, cumulative_reqlative_frequencies, 
         where='mid', color='magenta')
plt.ylabel('Cumulative Relative Frequency')
plt.grid(True, alpha=0.5, linestyle='--')